Resource – FDA_Tool – Instructions for the FreshDesk Access Tool

The FDA (FreshDesk Access) Tool is used to pull reports from FreshDesk for billing.

What is the FDA Tool

The FDA_Tool on your desktop will be the tool to use in order to generate reports taken from the FreshDesk Ticketing System. Once a month reports are run in order to get an accurate accounting of all the tickets generated from the current or past months Support Desks activities.

The FDA Tool is also a tool that will allow you to edit tickets that are missing information or have been incorrectly classified.

Where is the FDA Tool?

You will find the FDA Tool in a folder named “FDA_Tool”. You will need to go to X:\Access Database\FDA_Tool. The Shell Program is called “Freshdesk Ticket Review.accdb”

How do I install the FDA Tool?

Navigate to “X:\Access Database\FDA_Tool“. Copy “Freshdesk Ticket Review.accdbto your desktop. (Shortcuts do not work because it is a shell program).


  1. Click on the Freshdesk Ticket Review.accdb to open the tool.
  2. The FDA Tool will open to the Menu tab.
  3. Click on the Import Tickets button.
    • NoticeDate will update only if new tickets have been added since the last ticket import.
  4. Click on the Reporting button to open the ticket editing interface.

    The FDA Tool ticket editing interface.


Further Resources: