AI – Record Change – All, eFax, Phone System, Add Employee

AI Tickets – AI Tickets Record Change.

Tier1 or Tier2 Support:

The YES! Communities gets new employees all the time. CEG is responsible for setting the client up on certain systems and removing the clients from the same systems.

The systems consist of the following:

  1. CommData
  2. 8×8
  3. SRFax

Adding and removing clients from the CommData

You will receive an email from YES! Corporate asking to “Add” or “Remove” an employee.

  1. Add new employee to an extension (first and last name, email address, job description)
  2. Remove employee from extension (first and last name, email address, job description)

Adding and removing clients from the 8×8

  1. Place employee at extension they were listed in CommData
  2. Type extension number and click on Edit
  3. Voicemail Setting tab
  4. Place email address and click Save
  5. For removing employee disable voice mail settings and remove the email address
  6. Click Save

Adding and removing clients from the SRFax

  2. Log into community
  3. Click on User Profile
  4. Click Email Preferences
  5. Add user and send test fax